Looking back and reflecting on how I was introduced to the beautiful world I revolve in now.
I felt like I was drowning in a painfully stressful sales career while trying really hard to be a mother on my own.
What happened?
Long story short my boss gave me a gift certificate for a massage as a Christmas gift, and my world was changed in an hour.
I had never had a massage before.
I had not idea how far from feeling just even “ok” I had been for so long.
I actually felt WELL after my treatment & my mind felt CLEAR.
I remember having the thought that I could live longer. Or, just live….
This all led to my passionate journey and really a deep search to find out more about this Mind/Body connection I had experienced.
Hear I am today offering YOU this same experience.
To step into the Soundness, Mental Clarity & Grounding
I offer Holistic Bodywork & Massage that will reduce your stress and anxiety and support you on your journey to wellness & soundness of mind.
This means better sleep, more productive days, more joy, and a healthier body & mindset.
If this resonates with you and you are ready to feel better in your Body & Mind
DM me “WELL” for a consultation or to schedule an appointment.
In deep Gratittude,